Do you have
an authentic

If you have a painting, a drawing or a bronze, that seems to possibly be by Degas, please send us photos of it, the best you can take. Send many photos if possible please.

The dimensions too.

Tell us how you came to own it, what you may have been told about it.

We are interested in all information even if it is not documented and has not been confirmed.

Examples of information are do you know anything about its history, origin, where it has been, who owned it, how it was originally acquired as far as you know?

If you have documentation of any kind:

We appraise value for:

  • Wills from when it was passed down from one generation to the next
  • Family letters mentioning it
  • Old auction catalogue
  • Old art gallery catalogue
  • Old exhibition catalogue
  • Vintage photographs showing it in a house or apartment or office or other building
  • Appraisal papers that were issued in order to insure it
  • Insurance papers showing it was valued and insured long ago
  • Tax documents from when estate or inheritance taxes had to be paid
  • Museum papers if it was ever lent to a museum
  • Estate inventory
  • Divorce assets inventory
  • Old restoration papers
  • Old framing documents
  • Old packing or shipping documents
  • Newspapers, periodicals or books where it is illustrated

Please scan or photograph any of these documents or share information that if it is only oral history.

We will study and evaluate everything we receive from you and respond back with suggestions and a proposal about authenticating it and how to go about it.

We work quickly and perform most authentications within a couple of week. Complex and difficult cases sometimes require a couple of months.

Dekooning Experts Website
  • Contact Us

    Examination - We examine artworks at your residence, your office, your bank, your attorney’s office, your art storage facility or at your hotel if you are traveling. At any art gallery or auctioneer. At any Government Agency office, at any Customs Port of Entry, at any Law Enforcement office or warehouse. In any place of worship or religious congregation building. In the premises of any organization, association, or club. At any library, college, or museum. At any conservator studio or laboratory. For insurance and liability reasons, we don’t receive or examine artworks at our locations.

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